Shipping & Ordering Information

Q: What shipping options you offer (overnight, standard, air mail, international, domestic only, etc.?)

A: We offer ground shipping and both domestic and international (international has a $500 price increase for table and $200 for table toppers.)

Q: How much each shipping method will cost the customer?

A: Shipping on all domestic units is included in price.

Q: How long does each shipping method will typically take?

A: Lead times are between 10-16 weeks

Q: How long your handling time will be between when an order is placed and when it gets shipped?

A: Crating and shipping is: 1-2 weeks for table topper and 2-4 weeks for tables

Q: If orders must be placed before a specific time to be counted as placed during that business day?

A: Placing an order at any time works.

Q: Any restrictions to where you can deliver (no P.O. boxes, not to specific states, etc.)

A: We can deliver to residential addresses only and not to P.O. boxes